4. What are the recommended payment methods?

We recommend our clients to make payments or receive funds through local banks transfer. If our company does not provide local bank remittance options for payments and receipts, alternative methods such as international wire transfer (SWIFT), USDT, and cash can also be used.。

The differences between Local Bank Transfer and International Wire Transfer:

Differences Local Bank Transfer
International Wire Transfer (SWIFT)
Bank Details
  • Simple
  • Required Information: (1) Bank Account Name, (2) Bank Name, (3) Bank Account Number and (4) Bank Branch
  • Complicated
  • Required Information:(1) Bank Account Name, (2) Bank Name, (3) Bank Account Number, (4) Bank Branch, (5) SWIFT Code and (6) Sort Code
Transaction Limit
  • Low
  • High
Currency for payment and receiving
  • Only Local Currency available
  • Other Currencies are accepted*

*Note: Our Company SWIFT account is in USD. If using a different currency for remittance, the bank may incur transaction fees.

Transaction Processing Speed
  • Instant
  • Normally will take 2 to 5 working days*

*Note: The specific time for funds to be credited depends on the processing speed of both parties' banks

  • Zero Fees or Low Fees
  • High Fees(15~50 USD*)

*Note: Fee details will be based on the policies of the bank

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